Applying Foundation is the most essential step in makeup, the problem with it though is that we make common mistakes while doing so. Sometimes it looks "cakey" and sometimes accentuates the flaws we were trying to cover. We need to learn how to apply and set it correctly. There are lots of different ways of aplying foundation to your face. I'll try to talk about all of them, from my own experience, and a little bit research online (so that it wouldn't be just my single oppinion) The most popular way of applying foundation is fingers. You don't have to buy any tools for this method, and it's fast. The coverage is allright, all of us used to put foundation on like this one time or another, before we learned about alternative methods, right? Some famous make up artists does it and it is good for them. It's good enough.... But once you get to use some different method, you won't probaly be going back to applying it with your fingers. There definetly...