I feel like i've been through all the craziest stages of self image confidence, and now i feel confident about myself they way i am. Well at least way more confident then i used to be. Thanks to the TAG i did before, i got to see my old photos and do some thinking. I browsed of my teen days pictures and couldn't believe how much makeup i was wearing. And the worst part is that i thought i looked awesome and cool and hot. Well i didn't. I looked stupid. And i was just 15-16 y.o... I guess what i'm trying to say is that we are ALL BEAUTIFUL for the love of god! And makeup was created to enhance our unique features. Not to hide them. Me and some fellow beauty bloggers have a natural beauty project comming up soon to try and encourage all the ladies out there to change our view of the makeup. So as an opener for things to come i found some celebrity pictures on the internet that kinda sums up what i just rambled on. :) Lily Alen withh her frozen eyes.. Imagine her wit...
I may only have one match, but I‘ll make an explosion...